For All CCL Practitioners/ Ministers

Please read the CCL Practitioner/Minister Mission and Code of Conduct below and, if it is in alignment for you, please renew your commitment by entering your information and submitting the form at the bottom of this page. We need your response by Thursday October 27, 2022.

CCL Practitioner Agreement

Professional Practitioner’s Mission:

As the Professional Practitioners of the Center for Conscious Living, we offer ourselves in loving service to the realization of the Presence of God in each member of this Spiritual Community and in everyone, everywhere. Daily, we practice the Presence of God through Spiritual practice that results in the realization of the Truth of our Oneness and Wholeness in God. We recognize the Oneness of all Life and open our hearts and minds to Its fullest expression. We anchor ourselves in the Field of Love, knowing that all is unfolding in Divine Perfection and in Harmony with All.

The Professional Practitioner:

The Professional Practitioner shall support the Senior Minister and The Center for Conscious Living by participating in ongoing spiritual practice and realization of Truth and the Oneness of all Consciousness for the highest good of all, including the health, abundance and sustainable well-being of the Senior Minister, the CCL community, and its members, and everyone, everywhere.

Senior Ministerial Authority

The Senior Minister, Reverend Katherine McClelland, as endorsed by the Stewardship Council and the congregation of CCL, is empowered as the ecclesiastical and educational leader of the church.

Practitioner/Minister Code of Conduct:

The Professional Practitioner/Minister shall hold in high respect the office of the Senior Minister of this Center and shall work in cooperation and harmony with the Senior Minister, Church Leadership, all members of the CCL community, and all people everywhere.

The Professional Practitioner/Minister shall hold the highest level of Practitioner Consciousness in any interaction with the Senior Minister, Church Leadership, all members of the CCL community, and all people everywhere.

Code of Conduct Regarding Harmonious and Respectful Resolution of Conflict:

When differences arise, Practitioners/Ministers will refrain from the spreading of gossip, slander, or involvement in any inflammatory activities regarding these differences.

Instead, Practitioners/Ministers are charged with the responsibility to act in ways that are in alignment with Practitioner/Minister Consciousness. Specifically, Practitioners/Ministers are to take the actions as necessary below:

1. to heal through their own Spiritual introspection and realization;
2. to engage in truthful respectful communication directly with the Senior Minister only;
3. *to petition the Stewardship Council to establish a qualified third party mediation for resolution. (*new) 

If, for any reason, a Professional Practitioner/Minister, does not choose to abide by the Practitioner/Minister Mission or Code of Conduct, that Practitioner/Minister will be thereby be making the choice to resign from their position as a CCL Professional Practitioner/Minister and release their responsibilities in service to the Senior Minister and the CCL community. 


Thank you for your attention to the CCL Practitioner/Minister Mission and Code of Conduct above.

We surround you in Love and sincerely hope that you will renew your commitments and continue as a Practitioner/Minister at CCL. Please sign this document if you wish to continue as a Practitioner/Minister at CCL at this time.

Please know with the deepest respect for you, that if you do not choose to respond we will assume that you no longer want to be a Practitioner/Minister at CCL. If this is the case for you, we bless you, wish you well and hold you in Love, knowing the highest expression of you is being served in your choice.

Thank you again for your attention to this very important communication. We need your signature and response by Thursday October 27th, 2022.

Thank You!

Your message has been sent successfully! Thank you for your re-commitment to the CCL Professional Practitioner/Minister Mission and Code of Conduct. We are so happy you are here. We will reach out to you again soon.